Thursday, April 14, 2005

"The Real World: SMSU Dorms"

It is times like these that I thank God that I live in the dorms because if I didn't I wouldn't be able to witness outrageous "reality TV" drama on a day to day basis.

A few minutes ago, I left the comfort of my room to fill up my fantastic, unbreakable water container at the water fountain. As I shut my door I can hear voices, almost at a screaming level, coming from the direction that I needed to head.

"No Becky, I can't control my breast size!"
"[incoherent mumble]"
"...[something probably important to the conversation]...and Bobby was just looking right at them!"

I realize at this point that I am heading into what might turn into something nasty. I continued on to fill up my container.

"It's even harder in summer! ....[blah blah blah] People just stare at them!"
"[curse words....yelling...anger...] YOU SHOULD CONTROLL THAT!"

I pretty much ran away at this point. I didn't want to know where that was heading.

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