Monday, April 11, 2005

Holy unnatural light Batman!

I am: "a weeeeeeee bit tired" ::said with a Scottish accent::

[Insert incoherent mumbling here]

I wish to sell all my belongings, buy a motorcycle with matching leather coat, and become a tattoo artist. Not really but man, it was nice saying that.

So I believe I have been sitting here for about 15 minutes trying to think up something witty and entertaining to post but you ain't gonna get that from me today. I have nothing. NOTHING I SAY.

Although I do believe I was almost attacked by a vicious gang of squirrels last Thursday. There I was walking to my 3D art class when I had reached the deadly tree covered "acorn point" (known loitering place of small woodland creatures alike). I quicken my pace praying that God would spare me from being nibbled on, one more time. I didn't see them at first, no. They are sneaky for that. To tell the truth I wouldn't have heard them either if one of their young hadn't made the crucial mistake of stepping on that one brittle tree branch. I look up and there they were. There were dozens of them with every angle covered. I panicked. I began to run. Suddenly, one dropped from the sky right in front of me, blocking my path to freedom. We stared at each other for several seconds knowing that only one of us would make it out of this "ally" alive. I had seen the bodies of those, they claimed. Bones and hair would be all that was left of me if I didn't use that 3.5 GPA of mine to escape. We stood there as a gentle breeze blew and chilled the both of us. I called his bluff and ran. He kept his ground. I came within feet, then inches, and then centimeters of him and he still held his position. I jumped, clearing him by at least...2 or 3 feet, running as fast as I could. I looked back to see 5 of their best men chasing after me. I had reached the Art Annex knowing that I was trapped. The closed in on me. I began to pray that my death would be quick and painless knowing that these sadistic "you know what's" would draw it out like a Celine Dion song. Then I heard it, the sound of sweet sweet freedom. "Aww. Aren't they cute Kelly? Here you go; you guys can have some of my cookie." They retreated. FOOLS, distracted by a busty young college student with food! HAHA FREEDOME WAS MINE! I escaped into the Art Annex with time to spare before class.

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