I put away all my books today, who would have thought that a book shelf would be such a great place to store stuff like that?? My room is looking pretty nice. It's almost decent enough to have company over. I feel so bad because I haven't had a person over here for a good year now. I always assume that people want to hang out at other "cool" places but then again you know what happens when you assume (you make an "ass" out of "u" and "me").
My first assignment for drawing class is to draw a shoe. Yes people, I am drawing a SHOE. I must admit I really thought that the assignment was crap until I saw Van Gogh painting of a shoe (which the assignment was based on), then I KNEW the assignment was crap.
Appearently I need to go on that Bill Cosby show because I say the "darndest things"...
Me:Look, I was promised snow days this year.
Amanda: Who promised you that?
Me: God!
Amanda: Excuse me?
Me: God and I had a deal.
Amanda: unable to controll her laughter
Me: I told him it's my Sr. year and I need time off and he said he'd work it all out!
Amanda: trying to cover the laughter with her hands
Me: It's true! God and I are down like that! I call him G-man and he calls me L-Dub! We are very cool with each other!!!
Amanda:now on the floor turning red from laughter
And to end this post I offer this advice...If you're not part of the solution, be part of the problem!
Thursday, January 22, 2004
Friday, January 16, 2004
Wow...I am so glad I think before I speak
Bad idea #1:When told you look like a cartoon character, you mention that you have an entire comic book about yourself.
Bad idea #2: Allowing your managers to ask you if you drew pictures of other people, like your friends. Which leads you to blab on and on about your cartoons and then leading you to...
Bad idea #3: telling your managers and friends that you used to be very evil and released your anger through drawing. AKA-I drew pictures of my friends when I was upset at them.
Bad idea #4: when asked if you did that to your co-workers or managers, you stutter which automaticly makes you guilty (when really you don't...well you do, but not bad pictures. You have little cartoons of them that are humorous but in no way offensive). Which then leads to one of the managers requesting to see these cartoons mention and then states that you should post them on your blog. At that point you question how they know you have a blog which reminds you of....
Bad idea #5: Giving one of your managers your blog address.
Bad idea #2: Allowing your managers to ask you if you drew pictures of other people, like your friends. Which leads you to blab on and on about your cartoons and then leading you to...
Bad idea #3: telling your managers and friends that you used to be very evil and released your anger through drawing. AKA-I drew pictures of my friends when I was upset at them.
Bad idea #4: when asked if you did that to your co-workers or managers, you stutter which automaticly makes you guilty (when really you don't...well you do, but not bad pictures. You have little cartoons of them that are humorous but in no way offensive). Which then leads to one of the managers requesting to see these cartoons mention and then states that you should post them on your blog. At that point you question how they know you have a blog which reminds you of....
Bad idea #5: Giving one of your managers your blog address.
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
Dorks must unite (in other words, cartoons are not just for little kids)
Futurama season 3 is coming to DVD soon. I am very excited. Season 2 was great but it cannot compare with the humor of season 3. I don't think anyone but Andrew (Manager at work) and I are excited. I encourage everyone to watch the show atleast once. It's on Fox, sundays at 6pm.
Ack.. there's a site with Ewan Quizzes
This is which character of Ewan's is my match...

Which Ewan character is your best match?
This is which Trainspotting character I am...

Which Trainspotting Character Are You?
This is which movie is the story of my life...

Which Ewan movie is your life story?
Finally I took this quiz on quizilla. It's totally me!!

'Fudged in the Head' PLEASE VOTE!!!
What Type of Lunatic are You? (With Cool Pics!!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Which Ewan character is your best match?
This is which Trainspotting character I am...

Which Trainspotting Character Are You?
This is which movie is the story of my life...

Which Ewan movie is your life story?
Finally I took this quiz on quizilla. It's totally me!!

'Fudged in the Head' PLEASE VOTE!!!
What Type of Lunatic are You? (With Cool Pics!!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Sunday, January 11, 2004
Ewan Fest Details
So far the details of my upcoming Ewan Fest are sketchy. I do know that we will be watching the following movies...
Moulin Rouge
Down With Love
Episode One (possibly Two because he has more lines and doesn't say "Yes Master" every two seconds
Big Fish
Not sure where the party will be held but I'm open to suggestions. Invitations will be handed out as soon as everything is figured out. If you know someone who is a fan of Ewan, do tell me so that I can invite them! No one shall be left out! Hehehe, lets hope this goes better then last year's Fest.
Moulin Rouge
Down With Love
Episode One (possibly Two because he has more lines and doesn't say "Yes Master" every two seconds
Big Fish
Not sure where the party will be held but I'm open to suggestions. Invitations will be handed out as soon as everything is figured out. If you know someone who is a fan of Ewan, do tell me so that I can invite them! No one shall be left out! Hehehe, lets hope this goes better then last year's Fest.
"Is that how you spend your paycheck?"
I bought this wicked awesome Bush CD. I plan on sharing it with everyone I know mostly because I think the lead singer is FREAKIN' HOT.
BTW I hope you all will be looking for
I bought this wicked awesome Bush CD. I plan on sharing it with everyone I know mostly because I think the lead singer is FREAKIN' HOT.
BTW I hope you all will be looking for
EWAN FEST 2003/2004
!!!!!!!!! Natalie and Hannah both know what it is so they will atleast be excited. I've decided I will NOT rent every single movie of his, only the good ones. So don't worry Natalie, we won't have another Velvet Golmine disaster. I've already started telling people at work. So far Amanda and Megan are the only ones interested.Monday, January 05, 2004
Friday, January 02, 2004
::sigh:: again
Natalie's post has brought up some very good questions about the unattainable men in our lives. For me, I develop a crush and if it is not acted upon then it slowly dies down. I develop crushes more then intensely with every year that goes by that I don't have a boyfriend. It's quite sad but in a way teaches me that appearences are very much so deceiving. Almost 90% of the time, I'm happy that the crushes die down because the guy turns out being annoying in more way the one.
A long time ago, I thought that there was such an unattainable guy in my life that I considered perfect but he clearly did not feel the same, and THANK GOD FOR THAT. He's a sick, twisted man, who needs help (lol)!!
It's funny because I had mentioned to Natalie about this new crush that was being developed, (I thought the guy had the most wonderful personality) and right after I had told her, I found out the guy was into someone else (he has "interesting" taste if you ask me. I am clearly more mature and intelligent then her). I keep trying to tell myself that it was a stupid crush, which it was, but somehow I still feel the sting of rejection.
I saw Cold Mountain for the employee preview the other night and I pretty much can sum that movie up in 3 words, JUDE LAW'S BUTT. OMG, his bare-"nicked"-butt much show 4 times in that movie!! I'm pretty unsatisfied with the ending but it was very much so expected. I mean how many times can you shoot a guy before he dies? Appearently three (lol). I was very impressed with the amazing acting job Nicole Kidman did. She really shines in this role.
Amanda and I talked after the preview about some problems that both she and I have noticed at work. Nothing that can be mentioned here but it was nice to get things about into the air. I felt like I wasn't the only one having issues. Amanda has this wonderful ability to bond with anyone. She is not in the least bit shy and her personality attracts people to her. I am in awe this ability. I mean, even though she's worked there less time then me she has managed to get closer to the managers then I probably ever will. I would love to be able to do that. I just don't know how. Anway the point of this story is that right before I left her car she said the funniest thing every!! "By the way Laura, your boobs look very big tonight." ROFL!! It was so funny and so random! Sure I was a little freaked out about it but she has a boyfriend and is very much so a christian. That just made my night.
Work is so crazy. I've had about 38 hours this week. INSANE I SAY! INSANE!!! Tonight I had some lady scream at me for not giving her daughter the student discount. I nicely explained that the discount only appies to college students and she flipped out, as if I had made the policy! I was tempted to tell her to take a chill pill. Lol, it's only a $1.50 difference.
A long time ago, I thought that there was such an unattainable guy in my life that I considered perfect but he clearly did not feel the same, and THANK GOD FOR THAT. He's a sick, twisted man, who needs help (lol)!!
It's funny because I had mentioned to Natalie about this new crush that was being developed, (I thought the guy had the most wonderful personality) and right after I had told her, I found out the guy was into someone else (he has "interesting" taste if you ask me. I am clearly more mature and intelligent then her). I keep trying to tell myself that it was a stupid crush, which it was, but somehow I still feel the sting of rejection.
I saw Cold Mountain for the employee preview the other night and I pretty much can sum that movie up in 3 words, JUDE LAW'S BUTT. OMG, his bare-"nicked"-butt much show 4 times in that movie!! I'm pretty unsatisfied with the ending but it was very much so expected. I mean how many times can you shoot a guy before he dies? Appearently three (lol). I was very impressed with the amazing acting job Nicole Kidman did. She really shines in this role.
Amanda and I talked after the preview about some problems that both she and I have noticed at work. Nothing that can be mentioned here but it was nice to get things about into the air. I felt like I wasn't the only one having issues. Amanda has this wonderful ability to bond with anyone. She is not in the least bit shy and her personality attracts people to her. I am in awe this ability. I mean, even though she's worked there less time then me she has managed to get closer to the managers then I probably ever will. I would love to be able to do that. I just don't know how. Anway the point of this story is that right before I left her car she said the funniest thing every!! "By the way Laura, your boobs look very big tonight." ROFL!! It was so funny and so random! Sure I was a little freaked out about it but she has a boyfriend and is very much so a christian. That just made my night.
Work is so crazy. I've had about 38 hours this week. INSANE I SAY! INSANE!!! Tonight I had some lady scream at me for not giving her daughter the student discount. I nicely explained that the discount only appies to college students and she flipped out, as if I had made the policy! I was tempted to tell her to take a chill pill. Lol, it's only a $1.50 difference.