Monday, February 26, 2007

Marriage Day

I feel completely terrible because I missed probably one of the most awesome wedding in the entire world. "Why?" you ask? Let me explain in ghetto style:

I am so poor I use cheerios as earrings!
I am so poor that I chase the garbage truck with a shopping list!
I am so poor I can't even to pay attention!
I am so poor that I eat cereal with a fork to save milk!
I am so poor
that burglars break into my home and leave money!
I am so poor that I watch television on an Etch-A-Sketch!
I am so poor that even the Republicans were willing to give me welfare!

I'm guessing that you get the gist of what I'm sayin' here. The wedding was out of state and would have required me to go 3 days without work and I would have had to pay for food and a hotel room. Things are a bit tight right now and I just didn't have the money to go. I even attempted to budget for it but in the end I had to use that budgeted money for my insurance bill. It sucks because I bet it was the most awesome wedding ever. Blah! So Mr. and Mrs. Sonner if you are reading this I am terribly sorry that I did not attend your wedding. I hope you had a fantastic "Marriage Day!"

1 comment:

Hannah said...

You'll probably have to travel to get to my wedding, but you can stay at my house and eat my food and probably carpool with all the other people who will have to travel to get to my wedding. Yay!