Today I stumbled upon a set of engagement photos for some people that I know. I wouldn't call them my friends...we don't really hang out, but I have known them for quite some time, and they know me. As I was flipping through this set of photos a wicked self centered, egotistical thought crossed my mind. I actually said to myself, "Wow. I could have taken better photos then these." I immediately realized what I said and reprimanded...myself. But why? Why should I apologize for acknowledging that I am a good photographer: that my portraits are full of life and have a less cliche feel to them? I'm sorry but there are a lot of crappy photographers around who think that posed pictures are "shizknat". Last year I took some engagement photos for my good friends Jarrod and Sarah (to the left) and I couldn't have been more please with the results. Granted, I did have a few shots that we not up to par, but that's why I took 3 rolls!! THAT'S WHAT YOU DO!! You take tons of photos so you can weed out the crappy ones. I promised myself that I would never become one of those pretentious photographers who thinks that they're the best of the best and I don't. I KNOW there are some really fantastic photographers in town who are MUCH better than me. BUT...there are also a crap ton of photographers in town who are much less talented than me and it pisses me off that they are getting paid...more than me....to take crappy shots.