Sunday, September 24, 2006

I can't wait for Sunday Church!!

Me: do you think zombies ever get thirsty?
Me: I mean, they're hungry all the freakin' time!
Lindsay: heh
Lindsay: maybe not, because they get some blood?..
Me: ew
Lindsay: yeah
Me: but you'd think that blood alone wouldn't be able to hydrate them
Lindsay: they dont need it though..
Lindsay: theyre zombies.
Me: yeah but they "need" to eat flesh
Me: why is that, by the way?
Me: why exactly are undead creatures hungry?
Lindsay: theyre jealous of how alive they are..
Lindsay: so theyre like."oh my gosh! they look so goood!"
Lindsay: so they eat them
Me: lol
Me: it is all making sense now
Lindsay: yess
Me: we should convert some zombies to Christianity
Me: then they could be hungry for christ
Lindsay: ohh maybe
Lindsay: problem though..
Lindsay: zombies dont exsist.
Me: psh
Me: next you're going to tell me that leprechauns don't exist

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