Sunday, June 04, 2006

I have of late,—but wherefore I know not,—lost all my mirth

Act II, Scene ii

I've found myself in a perpetual state of boredom. Nothing seems to really entertain me anymore. Maybe it's the fact that doing things by yourself just isn't the same but everything seems a dull shade of gray. I went to the MSU Design Gallery to view an exhibit that had enticed me (naturally by myself because once again, no one held any interest in something that interested me) and found that what was supposed to be the highlight of my day, was more of just a mere distraction. I've been attempting to do things interesting like checking out new, indie comic book shops, browsing the ARMY surplus store for excellent deals on BDUs (you never know when you'll need a good camo outfit), watching fantastic art films at the Moxie, and even listening to a few of my favorite local bands, but it's all just monotonous junk to fill time without someone else.

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