Monday, March 17, 2003

::yawn another lazy day::

I got another evaluation at work yesterday. Not bad, but I think some of the comments were a bit weird. Like "talks too much"...which is weird because I didn't think I really talked at ALL at work and even if I did, when did they see me talk? Its so funny because the manager who always gives me these evals. never sees me at work. He and I just don't have the same work schedual. My guess is that he gets his info from the other managers. I just hope he isn't getting his info from the employees (ahhhhh not the other employees!!!! NOOOOO!!).

GOOD SITE!! Very nice very nice

I went out and bought a bike yesterday (yes with my OWN money). It was fairly cheep. I decided that because I am going to SMS that I'd need something to help me get around the campus easier then a car. When I was visiting SMS on Thur. I noticed that a bunch of people were riding bikes (even though it must have been 12 degrees below zero out!), I guess that's what inspired me to go out and spend a hundred bucks.

On a sadder note I'd like to send out a prayer note for a girl I work with who has recently had some sever health problems. God bless her little heart and may she be strong in these hard times!

Song of the moment- Smashing Pumpkins "landslide" (yes that's right I said Smashing Punpkins and NOT THE DIXIE CHICKS!!! I think we all know why.)

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