Sunday, December 31, 2006

Employees...they're all the same

In my years as a manager at a movie theater I have found that most employees seem to fit into certain catagories. As sad as that sounds and as much as I want to deny it, it is completely true. Now, every once in a while we'll get someone who doesn't fit EXACTLY into the description of that "type" of employee but that's pretty rare. Let me elaborate on these catagories:

The Kiss @$$:
Ah yes, the fantastic newbie employee who wants to be every manager's friend. These are the kids that come right up to a manager when they start out their shift and start complimenting them on everything from their suit right down to their teeth. I cannot express how annoying and creepy it is when an employee comes up to me in his/her first week of working and acts like we're best buds. The honest truth is that these employees could care less about your love life, or how your day is going. They only ask because they want you to like them. These are the same employees who rat out their fellow co-workers just to get on someone's good side. I hate that. I HATE THE TATTLE TALES. Why? Because usually they complain every five seconds about some employee sitting on their lazy but not doing anything and then 1o minutes later I catch this "Kiss @$$" text messaging at pole when he/she should be taring tickets. ARG! I must say that the "Kiss @$$" is one of my least favorite employees.

"I don't talk because I'm shy, tehehe" (typically a female but everyone in a while a male):
Mrs. "No Talker" is harmless but her shyness causes her problems in her job. Usually she doesn't sell ANY extra butter in concession and customers have trouble hearing her. She never does announcements on the intercom for movies and she isn't too popular with the other employees. She some times lacks in the social skills department.

The weirdo:
Ug. Have you heard that Dane Cook bit about the weird guy at every job? "He's not a fat guy but he is shapes. He's like a lava lamp individual....the pocket with the jubilee of pens? And no one talks to that guy." Nothing could be more true. This is the guy you expect to walk in to work one day with a sawed off shotgun and shoot up the place.

You remember those popular kids in high school who were just too peppy and too happy for their own good? Remember how they had tons of money, owned all the right clothes, and some how their hair was always perfect? Guess what? THEY NEVER GO AWAY. These are the kids I have to tell every five minutes to get back to work because their either:
1. Flirting with another staff member
2. Chit-chatting with another staff member
3. Text messaging on their phone
[on a side note: at what job would you think it would be appropriate to text message while on the clock?]
4. Chit-chatting with customers that are actually their friends from school

I could go on and on, ranting about employees but it wouldn't matter. It's difficult to work with high schoolers. REALLY difficult. Every so often we'll get a really great batch of kids that are just really entertaining and just plain good kids but then there's always the bad batch that we struggle to train. Like the kid who actually stuck his hand in the butter machine and then licked the butter off of his hand! Or the kid who TOOK OFF HIS SHOES while tearing tickets. ORRRRRR the kid who made out with another employee, while on the clock, in the candy room. Goodness, you don't even want to know about some of the really dirty things that have happened in booth.
Anyway, I remember how lazy I was when I started out at the theater so sometimes I can sympathize but when I have to work my butt off doing paper work I expect my employees to be working just as hard cleaning....something.

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