Wednesday, October 25, 2006

It doesn't mean anything at all

I am: adorable
iTunes: "Sweet Surrender" by Sarah McLachlan

Thoughts made in my Moleskin book durring my PLS class:

"The Role of the Media eh?...hmm ROLL of the Media...mmm Media Roll...mmmm with butter and jelly..mmmm Media Roll so fresh and informative"

"They should make dektol and fixer [photography chemicals] smell like strawberry cupcakes. That way my hands smell delicious after printing in the lab. On second thought, no. That would be a terrible idea. I might be tempted to nibble on my hands. Lord knows I already try to fight off those cannibilistic urges already."

"Do woodchucks really chuck wood? Why wood? What's so special about wood anyway?"

"On Saturday Andrew will dress up as Cillian Murphy and I will dress as a zombie and we will re-enact 28 Days Later for the employees at the 8. It will be the most fantastic work day ever."

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