Saturday, July 22, 2006

Responsibility? Psh!

iTunes: "Blood on the Ground" by Incubus
I am: the personifaction of wrath

"Quiet down before God,
be prayerful before him.
Don't bother with those who climb the ladder,
who elbow their way to the top.

Bridle your anger, trash your wrath,
cool your pipes—it only makes things worse.
Before long the crooks will be bankrupt;
God-investors will soon own the store."
-Psalm 37:7-9

Monday, July 17, 2006

My Prestige

In a manner of speaking let me show you my hands, palms forward, fingers splayed, and I will say to you (and mark this well): "Every word of this is true and not a facade by any means". Now I rotate my hands so that you may see their backs, and I say to you: "You have nothing to loose."
Finally, I tweak at the cuffs of my jacet to reveal my wrists, and I say to you: "After all, what would I have to gain by writing nothing but the truth?"

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

"Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy!
It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock
The meat it feeds on....
...But jealous souls will not be answered so.
They are not ever jealous for the cause,
But jealous for they're jealous. It is a monster
Begot upon itself, born on itself."
-Othello Act III, iii and iv

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Because I am not Anne Hathaway and you are not Chris Pine

iTunes: "Volcano" by Damien Rice
I am: restive

I'm going to take a second here to have a massive product placement moment (a la Minority Report) and force all of you to check out The X Degree, for the simple fact that a friend of mine created it and it's awesome. Are you ready for it? Ready now? Now??!! NOW??!!!!


Glad that we could get through that together. I believe I can continue on to my real post now:

Good times, good times. I learned many things tonight. One of which being that I am apparently still lingering in the 7th grade and playing charades is no way to get what you want (metaphorically speaking, of course). Haha, oh me and my awesome metaphors! Could I be any more inventive?

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Dear July 7th,

I will say this with full honesty, you were a very bad day. You sucked the life right from my bones, and I am not very ok with that. Sure you started out ok, with your sunshine, and your nice breeze, but then you exploded with the yelling, and the screaming, and the brain wrapping and I didn't like that very much. Yes, indeed, you were a very bad day.

I think that it is only right that I punish you for being such a bad day. From now on, you shall be referred to as, "the day" and when mentioned all will scowl.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Is your quota filled?

if it weren't for iChat I don't believe awesome conversations like this would ever take place...

Ben H: I just haven't seen you in ages, that's all
Me: I know, I suck
Me: hardcore
Ben H: I'm really lacking on my 'time spent with Laura' quota, and I'm not sure how much longer I can go
Me: lol
Ben H: I may be dead before you know it
Me: from a kool aid OD? Because that's how I plan on dying
Ben H: exactly

Thursday, July 06, 2006

I saw 126 fanny-packs at Silver Dollar City today. Where did the world go wrong?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Into the tumbling billows

I am: nonplussed
iTunes: "I Me Mine" by The Beatles

"Why, I in this weak piping time of peace
Have no delight to pass away the time,
Unless to spy my shadow in the sun
And descant on mine own deformity.
And therefore since I cannot prove a lover
To entertain these fair well-spoken days,
I am determined to prove a villain
And hate the idle pleasures of these days."
-Richard III Scene I, Act i

Why would you ever need a travel size bedazzeler? Who bedazzels on the road?

Sunday, July 02, 2006

"I am fire and air"

iTunes: "Infected" by Bad Religion
I am: Addicted to Guitar Hero


I finally was able to watch Superman Returns the other night and well, it was good. It's wasn't AMAZING, but it was good. I had some tiny problems with the movie:


1. Superman represents everything that is moral and good with the world. He's basically metropolis' "Boy Scout". That's what makes him so fantastic and different from the other super heroes, mostly Batman. So why in the world would he, have sex with Lois Lane (in Superman II), erase her memory (in Superman II), then find out that, that one night of passionate love resulted in offspring (Superman Returns) and not say something to Lois like, "Hey, by the kind of got it on one night...and well I had to erase your memory. Oops? Right? Heheh..."

2. Why didn't Lois ask herself why she can't remember this night of passion? You'd think she'd be uber pissed that Superman erased her memory. I know, that if I just randomly found out that my 5-year-old child is super strong I would immediately wonder if Superman slipped me a ruffie. I mean, Lois is this very strong willed character that would definitely be upset about something like that. How did Lois NOT notice that she was pregnate? Wait, are they saying that right after Superman left, she hooked up with some other guy? She put out on the first date? THIS IS WRONG!

3. she is going to continue to be engaged to some dweeb even though she JUST found out that her kid is the result of a hot and steamy night with Superman and not acutally her fiance's kid? Does she have any plans to let her fiance know about this? More importantly, SUPERMAN JUST RETURNED FROM A 5 YEAR HIATUS AND IS MUCH BETTER LOOKING THEN SOME SILLY PILOT!! There is no way I can believe that. Brandon Routh IS MUCH better looking than James Marsden.

5. Clark Kent disappears for 5 years and magically returns at the exact same time that Superman returns...and no one noticed? Really? REALLY? I know that Clark is supposed to be this very forgettable, nerdy, character, but really? I mean, Lois Lane's kid figures it out within ten seconds after seeing a picture of Superman on the TV screen next to Clark Kent, yet no one else can figure this out?