Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Ewan McGregor deserves an Oscar

"I've got a black woolen hat and it's got PERVERT written across the front of it. It's the name of the clothing label. And I was with my wife and my baby at the supermarket and I didn't think. I just put my hat on Clara's head, because it was cold. And the looks. I couldn't figure out why I was getting death looks. And then I realized my 10-month old baby's wearing a hat with the word pervert written on it and these people were like, 'There's Satan! There's Satan out with his kid!' And then I made a point of her wearing it every time we went there."

- Ewan, on an experience during filming A Life Less Ordinary in Denver, Colorado; Buzz Magazine March 1997

Tree-Hugging Hippie

Prepare yourself for a rant.... Having a gun collection is so stupid...why would you EVER need 7 guns... please tell me why. SO THAT YOU CAN GO OUT AND KILL BAMBIE'S MOTHER???!!! What kind of sick person does that..oh wait...yeah that's who. Why do I bring this up you ask? Because Megan and I were talking about it/him/that person and its on my mind and..and...and...that bugs me. It bugs her too! I mean, with 7 guns you are just asking to be called a hick.

AND SO WHAT if I'm a tree hugging hippie. There is nothing wrong with that. Hugging tress is fun. I love trees and I think that we should save them (don't you think so too?). That doesn't mean I'm going to go out and place my self infront of a bulldozer but it does mean that I try and recycle whenever possible so that my children will live in a cleaner, happier world.

And why...why would you just walk up to me and throw my keys on the ground...why? What is the point in that? Do you NOT want me to leave? Do you really want to see me pick them up? Come on!

That was my rant for the day. I will soon post something new. ps The quote "People who talk in metaphors outta shampoo my crotch." is mildly funny but not something that I would repeat over and over and over.

Sunday, July 27, 2003

He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep

"Therefore I tell you do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more inportant that food, and the body more important that clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more caluable then they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life." (Matthew 6:25-27)

I have realized that worrying takes up too much of my life. I should be spending time enjoying now and not worrying about the future.I've come to see that I have not been trusting in God as much as I should be and I am ashamed of that cold fact.

While driving home from work, instead of being happy that I've gotten a chance to spend time with such great people I am worring about what kind of impression I left them with or how things will go tomorrow (Did I say all the right things today? Do they think I'm weird? Was I secretly written up and not told? What if I'm late to work tomorrow because I don't have enough gas?).

Its COMPLETELY STUPID that I do that!!! I should be singing along to my favorite Beatles lyrics but instead I'm creating little wrinkles in my forehead! But you know what? I'm through with it! All this time I have claimed to be Christian and yet I cannot even trust God enough to give him my worries?? What's up with that? I am changing that all right now. I am putting my worries into God's hands and trusting him.

"And why do your worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like of onf these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, whis is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not be much more clothe you, o you of little faith? So do not worrym saying ' What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you eed them. But seek first his kingdon and his righteousness and all these thing will be given toyou as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own" (Matthew 6:28-34)

Thursday, July 24, 2003

Huh? What? Oh I'm sorry I wasn't listening....

I've realized that working at the movie theater has made me somewhat of a vampire in the sense that I'm starting to have problems with sunlight. Today I went to go return a DVD (Shanghi Knights- DON'T SEE IT!) and the sun almost blinded me!! It was so sad. I had to walk around all day in my sun glasses, even when I was indoors, and its all beacuse they've been working me nights. Its bad enough that one of my managers looks like Angel from...well Angel, but now I'M becoming sensitive to light??? What's up with that?

So yeah, I closed the other night and let me tell you that is not fun. I never realized that mopping could take so much out of you. At the end of the night I was sweating like crazy but atleast the backroom was somewhat cleaner. On a side note:I told that one manager that he looked like David Boreanaz and he sort of freaked out and was like "I get that all the time but I have no idea who he is". Then...Laura being the "don't think just say" type I said "Wow really? I was totally obsessed with him a year or so ago". (Don't ever say that to your causes this horrible silence that can never be broken) Then I tried to recover by quickly saying "he's not that attractive anymore though". ONCE AGAING STUPID THING TO SAY!!! He responded with "What are you tying to say Laura" (but he was laughing when he said it so its all good). I'm sure he thought nothing of it. I'm pretty sure. Anyway, I just try to remember to never mention this to him.


I had this horrible dream last night that I got a ticket for running a red light and my license got taken away. I woke up screaming. Why did I have this dream you ask? Because Tanner HAD to tell me a story about how he knows all these people who have had their licenses taken away and how horrible it was for them. DARN YOU TANNER!!!

Monday, July 14, 2003

::God save the weak::

::God save the weak::
So I was at Journalism camp last week and looking through magazines when I found this article called "Why Aren't You Listening, God?" It was basicly about this girl who was being made fun of because she had glasses so she prayed to God every night that he would make her sight better (yeah I thought that was stupid too). After years and years of no answer she got upset and started to lose faith. As she put it in the article " God knew my real need. I did need a repair but not on my eyes but on my heart". She soon saw that God was answering her prayer. He was making her look deep inside herself for what she really wanted, an emotional healing. I advise that everyone try and read this article. Its in Campus Life , the June/July issue of this year.

The BIGGEST petpeeve I have are those who are weak in faith. I don't care what you believe but believe in it. Don't chose a faith because its the latest fad or because it sounds cool, chose it because its what's going to make your life better. I am a christian because I know in my heart that no other religion would fit me. Sorry, but buddah just won't work for me. See God and I are cool. "I call him G-dog and he calls me Lolo". It just works like that. If you can find that kind of relationship God then you're set.

:: a change would do you good::

:: a change would do you good::
as you can see I've changed the page around a bit. I haven't gotten the new site ready yet so stuff is going to be posted here for a while. I also think I have broken my thumb. Hmmm maybe the swelling will go down in a few days. See at camp a few of us decided to play pool w/o the pool sticks and that was...uh dumb. Somehow my thumb got suck between the 8 ball and the 5 ball. It was pretty painful but I got over it. Now its this pretty purple. Maybe thats a good thing.

I haven't talked to my Best Friend Tamila in a while. I called up Matt (her debate partner) and he said that she's in Az. for the rest of the summer. My fear is that her family is going to make her stay there and I'll never get to say goodbye to her. I feel really bad that we haven't been hanging out at all. I have faith that she's going to call me and give me the low-down on what her living sit. is. Last time I talked to her she mentioned something about them moving back here so that she could finish highschool. I know her and her boyfriend have a pretty close relationship (hehehe 'inside joke' nothing bad) so I can't see her leaving without putting up a fight.

Work is going good. A few weeks ago they decided to finally put me in box. Sure it sucked the first day but when I worked it last night it was great!!! I feel really confident about what I'm doing now. Not only am I working box but I'm also going to get 2 free frappuccinos. One of my managers told me that if I sold 30 large drinks he'd buy me one and obviously I did (33 to be exact). You'd be suprised how hard it is to get people to buy large drinks! At one point I was trying to convince people that it would save their relationship with their significant other ("You know, if you get a large drink you wouldn't have to fight over who gets the last sip because there is SOOOO much that its highly unlikely that you'll finish it before the movie is over") I can't believe that worked.

Then last night I stayed and extra 2 hours to help out with the 'Pirates' rush which earned me another frappuccino. I love it when managers bribe you with caffeine.

At one point we had to make the line go out the door because of a fire hazard so Blair starts shouting "If you have tickets and are waiting to be seated we need to start making the line go out the door." and some lady turned around and screamed at her "EXCUSE ME BUT ITS HOT OUTSIDE AND SOME OF US DON'T WANT TO BE IN THAT KIND OF HEAT!" It was so funny. I thought Blair was going to turn around and smack her or something but she kept her cool. I was impressed.

song of the moment: My Sharona- by The Knack

The ONLY reason I picked this song is because we have this promo DVD that plays the trailer for Charle's Angels 2 with that stupid song on it. I SWARE IF I HEAR THAT SONG ONE MORE TIME.....arg! Yesterday I kept singing the lyrics over and over which I'm sure scared the customers (they kept giving me weird looks but that could have been because I'm weird). blogger...SWEETNESS!!!

And then I said...

Look...I'm having some problems remembering to post on Diaryland so just in case check

to see if I've said anything new.

I just got home from taking Megan to the movies. Once again my car was flatter by her compliments (inside joke). That girl lives too damn far away from the theater!!! Then again, this is coming from the girl that lives in the middle of no-where.

::Yawn:: LXG was...not as exciting as I would have hoped (well boo!) but atleast I was able to finally see it. Bad Boys II was SOOO much better. That opinion may be bias though. I think Will Smith is a hottie and any movie he's in is awesome. ::drool:: Will Smith ::drool::

I would post more but my mind just doesn't work very vell (did I just type "vell"???!!! I mean "well". Gee Wiz I need sleep!)at 12:40 am. I wonder why?